Wendy Marie Sheppard

                                            September 29, 1971 - December 9, 2004                       BACK


   This CD is dedicated to our daughter Wendy Marie Sheppard. When she was born with a severe developmental disability we were told that her life expectancy would certainly be no more than a year. But God and Wendy had other plans and we were able to love and care for her for 33 years. Wendy was a gift to us from God. She showed us how to love and how to live. Wendy did not know fear or anger or greed or any of those human weaknesses that we all have to deal with. Her strength and detemination was beyond measure. Giving up was not an option. Wendy Marie Sheppard was perfect. We thank you all for helping us celebrate her life.

The Sheppard Family ( Tony, Arlala, and Keith )